Du bist hier: Home > Clubs > KMK



Unser Club:

Land:BE Belgien
Über uns:

What started out as a three-man-conversation in a corner of a well known pub in Herentals almost 30 years ago, has grown over the years to a flourishing, even international, modelling club in which all facets of modelling are practised.

Changing our name Verenigde Herentalse Modelbouwers VHM in the more appropriate KMK Kempense Modelbouw Klub was a logic step, not only because we gather and meet in Geel, (region in the north of Belgium, in the provinces of Antwerp and Limburg). Notwithstanding though, we also have members from the coast and the Netherlands, the UK and Italy. In this hobby there are no boundaries :-)

The letter K of Klub is not only wrong in English, but also in Dutch. We took this “artistic liberty” to avoid KMC, a name that exists already.

Neue Modelle:

Die neuesten Modelle von unseren Clubmitgliedern hier auf Modellversium:

Lord Vader RZ-1 A-Wing Fighter Sith Infiltrator Mil Mi-24W Hind-E T-34/85
Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. L X-23 HSGV Colibri Republic P-47D Thunderbolt AAVR-7A1 Droid Tri-Fighter

Unsere Events:

Im Moment sind uns keine Events bekannt.

Unsere Mitglieder:

Die Arbeiten unserer Mitglieder hier auf Modellversium:

Unsere Treffen:

We meet every week on Friday evening in a big room above the ACW-house at the railway-station of Geel. We have the necessary infrastructure and parking-space available.

In a good atmosphere we discuss modelling, exchange experiences, techniques and information and examine and evaluate each other’s models. With this, we always keep the spirit positive: no negative criticism but helping remarks and constructive ideas.

Treffpunkt:ACW-huis café Stationsstraat 158 2440 Geel


Kontaktperson:Rudi Meir
eMail:rudi punkt meir at skynet punkt be
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